Sporting Facilities

Enjoy sport training in Calella

Sport, well-being and health are without a doubt the adjectives that define the DNA of the people of Calella. Passionate about sports, contact with nature, the smell of the sea, the Mediterranean breeze or walks under the hundred-year-old banana trees on Passeig de Manuel Puigvert, have the privilege of enjoying a city that, thanks to its climate warm and temperate, it becomes an ideal destination for the practice of the sport. Calella has the brand of Sports Tourism Destination. It is an ideal place to practice all kinds of sports activities throughout the year thanks to the magnificent facilities it has. Among the sports that can be practiced in Calella are football, basketball, handball, athletics, swimming, tennis, cycling, triathlon and all kinds of nautical activities. In addition, due to its proximity to Montnegre Natural Park there is also the possibility of mountain biking, hiking or trekking enjoying a unique landscape. Calella offers 8 cycling routes of different degrees of difficulty, distances and gradients that have Calella as a starting and finishing point.

It is for this reason, then, that the Hotel Bernat II, located 200m from the Garbí Beach of Calella de Mar, with a long history hosting great professionals in the international field of different disciplines, will become the best allied to be the accommodation that provides facilities perfectly adapted and prepared for athletes:

  1. Our location between Parc de Montseny and the beach makes it the ideal place to do a different route every day.
  2. We offer picnics designed especially for athletes who want to spend the day outside.
  3. We have very comfortable rooms ready to accommodate up to four people.
  4. Wellness area with spa, whirlpool, Finnish sauna, Turkish bath and treatment cabins, where you can relax after an intense day of training.
  5. We allow you to ride your bikes in the rooms.
  6. We have the collaboration of a specialized company that has an extensive catalog of bicycle rental both road and mountain.
  7. We offer leisure and adventure activities with important discounts and exclusive services in order to complete your stay: Windsurfing, catamaran, water flight, sailing, water skiing…
  8. We have a large buffet with a variety of food perfect to replenish strength.

What sports can I do in Calella?

Road bike routes

Do you like to ride a bike? Combining a few days of vacation with the practice of your favorite sport has never been so easy. In Calella you will find experiences that fit your needs. Whether you come as a group, as a family, or if you prefer to go for free, we offer a wide range of proposals for cycling. The Maresme is one of the best destinations for cycling in Catalonia. You will find cities with a great cycling tradition such as Calella (starting point of the Volta Ciclista Catalunya), certified with the seal of Sports Tourism Destination by the Catalan Tourism Agency as a destination specializing in road cycling. Calella currently has a wide range of services aimed especially at all those people passionate about cycling (professionals and amateurs) who want to enjoy a few days of vacation in our city and get to know the Costa de Barcelona on two wheels.

Each of the listed routes has a file on Wikiloc, where its characteristics are specified (typology, time, difficulty, slope …).

Swimming circuits

A good way to experience intense contact with water is to swim in open water, an activity that is gaining more and more followers in our country and that allows us to discover the coast from a new perspective. In Calella you will find the ideal place to swim and snorkel safely, along the coast along a nautical lane specially indicated for the practice of these activities.

Along its route, we are shown a coastline that exudes beauty in every corner, with beaches of clean and transparent water located where just the Montnegre Massif touches the Mediterranean. The best thing about the Braves is that, in addition to enjoying the coastal landscape, it also allows us to explore a seabed of great natural wealth. It is ideal for both experienced swimmers and those who are new to open water swimming to discover, from Calella and visitors, the immense biological diversity of the area. A great combination of sport and nature!

Check out the different circuits here!

BTT Routes

The Maresme, located between the Litoral mountain range and the Mediterranean Sea, has a great natural and scenic attraction that makes the region a charming territory and ideal for cycling. Calella is part of a wide network of roads and trails of 500 km ??? which certainly offer a great opportunity to enjoy the richness of the landscape and discover some of the most charming corners often unknown to those who visit us. In turn, the orography of our region located at the foot of the Montnegre i Corredor Natural Park form a beautiful landscape that thanks to the N-II road (former Via Augusta) passes between a steep, rocky and vertical coast communicating all the municipalities of the region. Here you will find a collection of itineraries suitable for all-terrain bicycles (BTT) that are spread throughout the region. Each route has a file on Wikiloc where the characteristics (typology, time, difficulty, slope …) and the patrimonial and natural resources of interest are specified.

Hiking Routes

Where green and blue merge, in the middle of nature, you can enjoy one of the best moments that will surely feed the soul! We invite you to discover the flora and fauna of a place that integrates in full harmony sea and mountain behind the foothills of the Montnegre Corredor Natural Park.

The Tourism Consortium, with the support of the Barcelona Provincial Council, has marked a network of paths and trails that connect all the towns of the Maresme and that facilitates this type of tourism that is done on foot. The Maresme has 350 kilometers of tracks, paths and trails, an important communication network that allows you to move from town to town discovering attractive natural landscapes and places of interest for walkers that allows the region to complement the tourist offer sun and beach and family, with nature tourism, rural and active.

Check out the different routes here!

Sporting Facilities

A whole range of facilities dedicated to athletics training, swimming, as well as preparation circuits with cycling routes through Calella and throughout the region.

Athletics tracks

6-street athletics tracks that allow training throughout the year to practice different sports such as athletics, 7-a-side football -artificial turf-, indoor football, skating and Catalan bowling (check availability and prices).

Municipal swimming pool

Indoor swimming pool of 25 meters, 6 streets. Shallow teaching pool 12 x 6 meters. Fully equipped 600 square meter gym. Sauna.

Crol Centre

Facilities at the Crol Center Calella include an outdoor, heated 50 x 25 swimming pool, as well as fully equipped changing rooms. There is also a gym with weight room and an extensive and complete water area to complement the training of our customers.

Bicycle rental and repair

All types of bicycles: ride, city bike, basic mountain bike, disc, double suspension, road, guided outings, transfers, a la carte routes, outdoor routes.

Urban circuits

Marked training circuit (15 km) along the promenade with exercise and warm-up areas.

Garbí beach

During the summer months, it has a wide range of services. Examples of these are the spaces dedicated to sports (beach volleyball, beach handball and beach soccer). All of them free! It also has first aid services and access for people with reduced mobility.

Water Sports

If you like sailing, surfing, flying and enjoying speed, you can take courses in Windsurfing, Catamaran, Parasailing, Sailing, Boarding the Banana Bus or Water Skiing. All these nautical activities are chargeable, but in some of them the Hotel Bernat II offers you significant discounts and exclusive services. The company we recommend for water sports is Water Sports Center, a company dedicated to water sports, water activities, sailing school and team incentives (team bulding). They have been organizing nautical activities for more than 15 years, both individually and for small groups. Parasailing and jet skiing are his star activities. Qualified instructors will teach you how to navigate the discipline you like best.

Your first booking, with a treat!

Sign up with your email and start your holiday with a 5% discount on your first booking. You won’t need any code, just enter your email when you make your booking and the discount will be applied directly. We help you to take the first step towards an unforgettable stay!

9. Calella – Blanes por la costa

Duración aproximada: 4h30min
Longitud: 17,71km
Dificultad: Baja

El punto de inicio es en el borde del Club náutico de Calella. Seguiremos por la costa pasando por las diferentes playas: Playa de Poblenou, playa de perros, playa de la Riera de Pineda, Playa de los pescadores, de los pinos, Santa Susanna, de Levante, Malgrat de Mar y playa de La Cuenca.
Llegamos a la desembocadura del río Tordera y tendremos que coger el camino que sube al borde del camping La Tordera hasta el puente del Tordera. Cruzamos el puente y volveremos a bajar a la orilla del mar para continuar por el paseo hasta Sa Palomera.

8. Ruta circular: Calella – Sant Cebrià – Sant Pol de Mar – Calella

Duración aproximada: 4h
Longitud: 14,7km
Dificultad: Moderada

Ruta BTT que también se puede hacer a pie. El punto de salida es la Riera de Calella. Subiremos hasta el Coll de la Era de Mora. Una vez aquí tomamos la pista de bajada en dirección Sant Cebrià de Vallalta. Antes de llegar al pueblo, a la altura de correos, tomamos el camino que hay a mano izquierda y pasaremos por el Pitch & Putt hasta llegar a la gasolinera. Una vez aquí iremos por la carretera que va hasta San Pol y entraremos en el pueblo por la Riera, la calle Consulado del Mar, la calle Nueva, la subida de San Pablo y tomaremos el camino paralelo a la N-II para llegar hasta Calella.

7. Ruta circular: Calella – Puig de Popa – Sant Pol de Mar – Calella

Duración aproximada: 4h
Longitud: 15km
Dificultad: Moderada

Empezamos desde la estación de tren de Calella pasando por el Museo del Turismo y entrando en el Parque Dalmau. Seguiremos por el Cerro de Maresme, la Fuente de Sant Quirze y continuaremos por la riera de Calella hasta el Rancho Bonanza. A partir de ahí dejamos la pista forestal y tomamos el camino de la izquierda que transcurre por el Torrent de la Fuente del cachés hasta llegar a Los Escorts y el punto más alto de la ruta: El Puig de Popa.
Iremos subiendo por pistas hasta llegar a Sant Pol, cruzar el puente superior de la nacional II y llegar a la ermita de Sant Pau. Seguiremos paralelos a la N-II hasta crear el puente de madera tras Roca Grossa y pasar por Las Torretas, el Faro de Calella y el Cerro de Capaspre. Terminaremos nuestro recorrido pasando por el paseo de Mar hasta el Paseo manuel Puigvert y la estación de Calella.

6. Calella – Sant Pol de Mar por el Valle de Golinons

Duración aproximada: 3h
Longitud: 13,57km
Dificultad: Moderada

Empezamos desde la Riera Capaspre Calella hasta alcanzar el Coll de la Era de Mora. Una vez aquí tomamos el camino que encontraremos a mano izquierda en dirección a Sant Pol de Mar por el camino de Golinons hasta que termine la pista y comience la calle asfaltada Héroes Fragata Numancia de Sant Pol de Mar. Bajamos hasta la C/ Riera Vaquer y seguimos hasta la C/ Virgen de Montserrat hasta cruzar el puente sobre la N-II. Pasaremos por delante la ermita Sant Pau y tomaremos las escaleras para bajar a la altura de la N-II. Para llegar a Calella iremos por el camino al lado de la carretera.

5. Calella – Pineda por la costa

Duración aproximada: 45min. Ida / 2h10min ida y vuelta
Longitud: 4,25 km sólo ida / 9,59km ida y vuelta
Dificultad: Baja

El punto de inicio es la Playa Garbí de Calella. Iremos por el paseo marítimo pasando por el paseo Manuel Puigvert, la estación de Renfe, la playa Grande, la playa de Poblenou, la playa para perros, la playa de la Riera y la playa de los Pescadores de Pineda que se encuentra frente a la estación .
Para volver podemos hacer el mismo camino o hacerlo por el Paseo Marítimo. También podemos volver con el tren.

4. Ruta circular: Calella – Coll de l’era d’en Mora – Calella

Duración aproximada: 2h 15 min
Longitud: 9,03km
Dificultad: Moderada

Empezamos desde la Riera Capaspre de Calella pasando por Torrent de la Fuente del cachés, por Torrent del Mas y por Torrent de las Guilles hasta alcanzar el Coll de la Era de Mora desde donde tenemos unas bonitas vistas de Calella y del mar .
Para bajar tomamos el camino del Cerro de Can golinons pasando por el riera de Valldenguli y por la calle Mestral para acabar de nuevo en la riera Caspaspre.

3. Calella – Sant Pol de Mar – Canet de Mar por la Costa

Duración aproximada: 2h
Longitud: 8,75km
Dificultad: Moderada

Saldremos desde la Pltaja Garbí de Calella y subiremos por las escaleras de la Playa de Las Rocas hasta llegar al borde de la N-II. Continuamos por el camino paralelo a la carretera pasando por las playas de Roca Pins. La Cala Vinyeta y la Cala Roca Grossa. Continuaremos hasta San Pol de Mar donde veremos a una colina la Ermita de Sant Pau. Pasaremos por el parque del litoral y por las playas de la Murtra, la playa de las Rocas Blancas, la playa del Plan y la playa de Canet.

2. Calella – Las Torretas por Torrent del Raig – Tennis – Roca Grossa

Duración aproximada: 1h 45min
Longitud: 7,42Km
Dificultad: Baja

Ruta fácil que combina caminos por torrentes y montaña, vistas y caminata cerca de la playa. Inicio de la caminata en la Riera a la altura de la calle del Turismo. Subimos hasta la entrada del Torrent del Raig, situada detrás del IES Bisbe Sivilla. A partir de este punto se puede seguir el tracking. Hay varios puntos con visión panorámica, especialmente desde las Torretas, donde hay un mirador. A la vuelta bajamos hacia la Roca Grossa, desde donde se puede bajar a las playas. La vuelta sigue paralelamente la N-II con los miradores en la zona de Las rocas, y el Paseo de Mar de Calella.

1. Calella – Sant Pol de Mar por la Costa

Duración aproximada: 1h10 min
Longitud: 5,87km
Dificultad: Baja

Saldremos desde la estación de tren de Calella y caminaremos por el paseo de mar hasta llegar a las escaleras de la Playa Garbí. Subimos para tomar el camino junto a la carretera N-II hasta Sant Pol de Mar a la altura del Hotel-escuela Gran Sol. Una vez aquí entramos a la población y vamos a ver la ermita de Sant Pau. Ahora vamos bajando al centro de la población de Sant Pol de Mar cogiendo la calle Nueva y la Calle Consolat del Mar pasando por el Ayuntamiento y siguiendo hasta llegar al Parque del Litoral.
Volveremos en el centro del pueblo hasta la estación de tren.
